Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's an Alien, no, it's a Girl!!!!!

So yesterday we had another Dr. visit.  We found out that we are having a girl.  We made sure to ask the Dr. if he was 100% sure about the sex and he said yes.  We both wanted a girl and Sergios can't wait to make her into Cyprus' first female soccer all star:)  
Now, don't be disappointed by the lack of hoo-hoo shots, instead we got a shot of her opening her mouth as wide as it would go, so cute!!  Of course she is related to her mama as she is known for having a big yap as well:)   I think that this is my favorite pic yet, she looks like an alien or a skeleton, so I like to call it her cute, creepy portrait!  Enjoy.


  1. excellent now what will we call her, so I can get stuff embroidered. she really does look like an alien. make the whole parasite thing so much more real.

  2. I sort of like Andromeda. Maddy, Andy, Romy..
    It can't be plain like Jane. Cause Sergios and Moksha can't have a Jane. It would sound wrong.
